Luneta Advertising | Large Format Digital Printing in the Philippines

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SMART Billboard Advertising

Launching their second roll-up at the iconic Mega Wall Billboard, SMART introduces their 5G network featuring celebrity A-lister, Anne Curtis. It is an ad full of good news for all Smart users as their 5G boasts the fastest connection in the country. To top it off, the 5G boosting also retains the customer’s current Smart mobile number for a quick and hassle-free upgrade. Anne-mazing!

The Fastest and the Brightest

Napolcom Billboard SMART

Even at night, the ad shines the brightest thanks to the LED Projection Lights, the first of its kind in the Philippines. Instead of traditional lighting, the Mega Wall Billboard is illuminated from across the site itself to eliminate any shadows and dark spaces caused by metal halides. The Projection Lights also ensure that the entirety of the billboard is bright and well-lit.

Watch out for more SMART unveiling soon!


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